Pop-Up Teahouse Berlin: Chai Talks: Unfolding Freedom. Hosts: Sudebi Thakurata & Probal Banerjee and Katelijn Verstraete

NO POP-UP TEAHOUSE on 9th September NIGHT, but SUNDAY (11th Sept)!

Dear participants of tomorrow night Pop-Up Teahouse!

We had to re-plan the gathering on short notice, since our co-hosts, Katelijn, Sudehbi and Probal, coming from Brussels, will not make it to Berlin in time due to a train strike. However, you can still meet the three on Sunday! The event will be merged with “RETOPIA – UNFOLDING FREEDOM AND CO-LIVING FUTURE ” this Sunday Sept 11tth 3-6 pm. Community living and freedom will be discussed, there will also be a co-cooking session by the end of the event. 

Please check the link for further details:

https://fb.me/e/2FkoM9HZE Sorry for the inconvenience, we hope to see you nevertheless on Sunday!

On that Pop-Up Teahouse Night we are looking very forward to welcome as our hosts:
Sudebi Thakurata and Probal Banerjee, creatives, facilitators, entrepreneurs, and teachers from Bangalore and Katelijn Verstraete, Cultural Consultant with long-time work experience between Asia and Europe (until recently based in Singapore, and currently in Brussels).
The three will be hosting a conversation under the title „Chai Talks: Unfolding Freedom“ – More details soon.
More about the three, who are our visiting C*SPACE co-workers in residence that week:
Sudebi: Meta Facilitator, Narrative Designer, Learning Curator, Dialogue Weaver, Possibility Framer, Thinking Visualiser. |https://www.linkedin.com/in/sudebi/
Probal: Entrepreneur, Facilitator, Design-led Innovator, Regenerative Leader, Transformation Enabler
Katelijn: “Cultural boundary spanning is key to building trust between people ”

The Chai Talk is part of the “Pop-Up Teahouse Berlin” cultural project that was initiated by C*SPACE in 2021with intention to co-create a space for the Asian/Berlin community and anyone else interested in a deeper understanding between cultures, and in East-West encounters. As much as the Teahouse is a place to rest and relax, it is a social space to rethink and discuss ideas, as well as a stage for the arts ranging from dance, literature, theater to film screening.

Thanks to support from Stiftung Mercator and KAS-Konrad Adenauer Stiftung most of the programs are free of charge. C*SPACE Berlin is a co-working, creative and project space run by C-SPACE Berlin gGmbH – social enterprise.

Schlagwörter: , ,


09 Sep. 2022



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Langhansstraße 86, 12086 Berlin