Pop-Up Teahouse Berlin: CITYMAKERS: Alternative Ways of Living – Sharing Concrete Projects & Visions

Are you seeking for your alternative „Dreamer Homeland“ – more in balance with nature and more community oriented? — Join our Pop-Up Teahouse afternoon on Sept 11th discussing these questions: What are alternative ways of co-living more in nature and in the countryside opposed to our often busy urban ways of life? What are existing co-living examples and eco-village models?

Informal, teahouse style, story sharing, exchange.

3 pm: Doors of Pop-Up Teahouse Open, Welcome with Tea
3:15 pm-6 pm:
Input by speakers including discussion and interaction, tea & snacks

6 pm: Join dinner (prepared together)
𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞:English/ Mandarin


– Elan Zeng: IOWA – A Paradise gone. A New Vision?
– Katelijn Verstraete: Inspirations from Eco-Villages in Europe
– Pia Grüter, Insel Weißensee – Tiny House Community ( TBC, Invited)

About the speakers:

Yilan (Elan) Zeng, co-initiator of this gathering, is the founder of Forest Studio, she lives in in Berlin since 2017. Graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts with a degree in architecture. Lived in Beijing, where she loved her studio in a Greenhouse in a young artist’s community/ courtyard called IOWA that practised a unique way of co-living/working culture. Unfortunately, the place was demolished in the midst of developments in Beijing. Still fuelled by the unique community experience, Elan feels a calling to re-create something similar again in Europe. Since she did not have her ideal place yet, she now intends to (re)create a „Dreamer Homeland“ herself – together with other like-minded people. In this special Pop-Up Teahouse edition, she will present the story of IOWA and wants to invite participants to share with her possibilities of future co-living dreams and alternatives.
Katelijn is a passionate cultural connector interested in collaboration across boundaries. Most recently she has been digging deeper into what communal living and collaborating in a sustainable way really looks like and what role of arts/culture has in that space. After a virtual learning on ecovillage design (EDE with GEN and Gaia Education) in 2021 whilst still in Singapore, she grounded her research in 2022 by working at and visiting various communities in Europe: a community of Zen-practitioners in France, the Findhorn Community in Scotland, and spent time in Terra Alta (Portugal) where she learned more about the principles of permaculture in building sustainable communities. She also met more than 40 ecovillages from Europe at the Global Ecovillage Network meeting in Denmark in July this year. Whilst still on a journey of deeper understanding, some reflections are emerging about the importance of context, relationships and systems thinking in the development of deeper relationships with space and the urgency to think differently about how we live well together.
Katelijn Verstraete, Cultural Consultant with long-time work experience in arts and cultural relations between Asia and Europe (until recently based in Singapore, and currently in Brussels).
Katelijn: “Cultural boundary spanning is key to building trust between people ”

Registration for the event is not required, but if you have questions, please contact: pop-up-teahouse@c-space.eu
Costs: Small community contribution of EURO 5,-.

Pop-Up Teahouse Berlin Salon is part of the „Pop-Up Teahouse Berlin Summer 2022“ – a transcultural project initiated by C*SPACE Berlin in 2021 with support from the Berlin Senate Chancellery within its activities to foster Berlin’s cosmopolitan spirit. This year Pop-Up Teahouse is supported by Stiftung Mercator. Check out the full program for other program elements.


Schlagwörter: ,


11 Sep. 2022



Infos & Tickets





Langhansstraße 86, 12086 Berlin


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