Dr. Cordelia Koch

Pop-Up Teahouse Berlin: SUMMER TEA TIME
TEA TIMES are Part of C*SPACE Pop-Up Teahouse Summer Program. Check out the rich program with variety of cultural, artistic, educational or intellectual activities.
After the successful and eventful round of spring tea events, we want to relaunch our regular community format “TEA TIME”, that we started in the summer of 2020.
Starting the first week of the new summer season, every Friday from 4-7pm we are opening our space for an afternoon “TEA TIME”.
While in the last two years, we hosted “TEA TIME” ourselves, this year, we would like to invite tea experts, tea enthusiasts and tea lovers to be the hosts! Get in touch if you want to be a host.
2. September — Teatime with Jan & Lavia from C*Space
9. September — INDIAN CHAI with Katelijn Verstraete,
Sudebi Thakurata & Probal Banerjee
Sudebi Thakurata & Probal Banerjee
16. September — TBC
23. September — TBC
30. September — TBC
TEA TIME is part of the “Pop-Up Teahouse Berlin” cultural project that was initiated by C*SPACE in 2021with intention to co-create a space for the Asian/Berlin community and anyone else interested in a deeper understanding between cultures, and in East-West encounters. As much as the Teahouse is a place to rest and relax, it is a social space to rethink and discuss ideas, as well as a stage for the arts ranging from dance, literature, theater to film screening.
Thanks to support from Stiftung Mercator and KAS-Konrad Adenauer Stiftung most of the programs are free of charge. C*SPACE Berlin is a co-working, creative and project space run by C-SPACE Berlin gGmbH – social enterprise.